Smoke Tobacco in store at our new ‘Ark Smoke Lounge - Ark Smoke Shop

Ark Smoke Shop

Free Shipping Above $50

Mon to Thurs : 08.00 AM to 02.00 AM
Fri :08:00AM to 3.00AM
Sat to Sun : 10.00 AM to 03.00 AM

6108 S Dixie Hwy, South Miami, FL, 33143

Smoke Tobacco in store at our new ‘Ark Smoke Lounge

Recently, certain cities and states have implemented indoor smoking bans. In some jurisdictions, hookah businesses can be exempted from the policies through special permits. We are proud to announce you are allowed to smoke indoors at Ark Smoke Shop Miami. We have a private dedicated smoke room on the upper floor and a smaller public smoke area on our main floor so you can get to smooth puffing in no time.

Smoke lounges are seen as a place to gather with friends and socialize and with Hookah’s popularity accelerating rapidly in Miami, especially among youth and women, we at Ark Smoke Shop we new we wanted to offer for our customers to enjoy. We’re proud to have GT hookahs, accessories, Shisha, Tobacco, available at Ark Smoke Shop. Family crafters in Europe and the Middle East make these high-end modern hookahs, paying attention to details and function.

A hookah is a type of water pipe that can be used to heat and smoke tobacco, special tobacco mixtures, cannabis, and even hashish. It is often made of glass and can have multiple stems. It works by passing charcoal or wood heated air through the tobacco mixture and into the water-filled chamber (generating a bubbling sound). The smoke is then inhaled through the house and mouthpiece.

GT Hookah recommends not swallowing the inhale but keeping it in the mouth cavity, protecting one from nicotine absorption/addictive effects on lungs. Yes, the nicotine is still absorbed through the mucosal lining of oral cavity so there’s no need to inhale if you prefer not to bring into lungs.

Hookah, a smoking device with many names, came from India and was brought to Turkey in the 17th century. Later, it was adopted by Iran and the Arab world. It is considered a less harsh way of consuming nicotine/tobacco and has the same components found in cigarettes.

The Hookah apparatus is usually made of the following: 

Hookah tobacco/Shisha is moist tobacco that comes in a variety of flavors such as mint, cherry, strawberry, and more. Hookah is smoked in various settings and is great in social settings, and can be smoked in one’s home. The Hookahs, Shisha and apparatus we have at Ark Smoke Shop Miami is easy to move and set up.

We also have tons of freebies thanks to GT Hookah for you to test and try live in our Ark Smoke lounge and learn how to use. Just ask our sales rep about adding a Hookah to your Smoke Lounge Session and we got you! GT Hookahs trained us in all the best practices for lighting, maintaining and smoking hookahs at Ark Smoke Lounge.

Some common questions we get asked about Hookahs in Miami: 


The tobacco used is called shisha or maassel. Shisha is a sticky mixture of tobacco, honey or molasses, and a variety of other flavorings.


Hookah smokers inhale as much smoke from a typical smoke session as a cigarette smoker would inhale from around 50+ cigarettes.


Hookah is usually smoked in a social setting so our Ark Smoke Lounge is pretty much set up for you to enjoy relaxing with friends, gaming, working, in a private camera free lounge area. The room has two huge comfy couches, all the smoker accessories you need, a large TV Screen, and gaming systems. Our lounge can be rented hourly or more and we offer hookah set up in house with tester items available from GT Hookah. A typical smoke session lasts between 60-90 minutes including set up.


There are three commonly used types of hookah tobacco, Mouassal, Jurak, and Tumbak, each contains different ingredients. In the United States of America, there are different flavors used in the hookah tobacco with the most popular being the fruit flavors. Flavored tobacco plays a major role as a “motivator” for using hookah, which provides the user with the pleasant taste and smell


Clean The Hookah

Attach Gaskets To All Hookah Components

Pour Water Into Base

Insert Stem Into Base

Attach Hose

Check for Leaks & Proper Air Flow

Attach Tray To Upper Stem

Pack The Hookah Bowl Properly

Mix Your Shisha Tobacco and Pack Into a Bowl

Cover Bowl With Foil OR Add Heat Management Device On Top

Puncture Holes Into Foil (skip if using HMD)

Attach Bowl To The Top of Stem

Ignite Coals / Wood Ember

Transfer Coals To The Bowl to initiate the Tobacco heating process

Inhale & Smoke

Enjoying hookahs or vapes in a lounge setting is completely different than just puffing away at a cigarette. In comparison to cigarettes, hookah puffing is more variable including total puffing time, number of puffs, and total smoke inhaled, all being affected by the nicotine content of tobacco, the presence of flavors, the personal preferences, and the social setting of the vaping session.

Our guests at Ark Smoke Shop normally enjoy Hookah sessions of around 60–90 min in comparison to cigarette smoking averages 5–6 min. Hookah smoke, which is humid, is more enjoyable than dry cigarette smoke and allows for more smoke to be inhaled. This higher humidity and its cooled down nature facilitates deeper inhalation potentially increasing the effects of nicotine. 

Enjoying the casual session at a shisha lounge is one thing, but what if you just purchased a new complete package and have no idea how to set up your hookah at home? At first glance, especially for beginners, it may appear to be difficult. If you are lost and need guidance, Ark Smoke Shop South Miami is the right place to learn how to find a great hookah, prepare and use it accordingly. 

Come visit us at Ark Smoke Shop to learn more about everything Hookah, Accessories, Tobacco, our Smoke Lounge, and find the high-quality nicotine products you need. Shop online here -> or in-store at Ark Smoke Shop, 6108 S Dixie Hwy, South Miami, FL 33143 today. If you have any reviews for your Hookah or Smoke Lounge experience we would love to hear.


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